24th Annual Willamette Cascade Train Show

Dawson Station was invited back for it's third showing at the annual Willamette Cascade Train Show. This was the last event we did, so it had been in storage for a full year. Luckily it powered up and ran fine.

This is Conner, who I met the first year I did this event. He is inspecting the code and making a few modifications for me. He is sharp.

The local TV station was there doing a story. I've seen this lady at a number of events and it was fun to hear her story: http://www.kval.com/news/local/Loco-for-Locomotives-Model-trains-on-display-148463095.html

It was a great event. If I could do only one, this would be it.The layout got a lot of run time at the hands of some of future railroaders.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing. I bet the kids loved that yours was hands on. And that kid "checking the code" made me smile.
